I love pretty much all the Pokemon, just like I love pretty much all animals. This list is incredibly long, I warn you. There are a few reasons for having so many.
- There are some I think are cute/interesting looking so I like drawing them. (EX: Raichu/Pikachu, Ninetales, Flygon)
- There are some I like because they're fun to play in the game. (EX: Aerodactyl, Weavile)
- There are some I like because they remind me of friends. (EX: Typhlosion - Kelsey, Golduck -Samantha, Skitty- Atti)
- There are some because they have interesting personalities. (EX: Drifblim, Abra, Cubone)
- There are some I know I'd enjoy taking a nap on, or playing with if they were real. (EX: Snorlax, Arcanine)
- There are some I simply like the cry/noise they make. (EX: Shaymin-game, Mew-show)
- There are some I'm simply attached to, because I have fond memories of them. (EX: Charizard, Mewtwo, Nidoran)
So I simply didn't mark some down just because I'm not COMPLETELY obsessed over them.
Note how the list thins out towards the newer generations.
So here it is:
The pokemon I squeak over when I see them on the TV, or as dolls, cards, and the ones I must have on my game to make my life complete.

The pokemon I squeak over when I see them on the TV, or as dolls, cards, and the ones I must have on my game to make my life complete.