No, really, ignore it. I needed a place to store this. This is a character sheet for my Pokemon Persona type character for roleplaying and drawing and overall dorkiness that comes along with being involved in Pokemon for 2/3 of my life. Hah. As a note, there are quite a few parallels to Joyce's life and mine. I always try to make my characters realistic. And holy crap, I realize I give this stuff WAYYYYY too much thought...but, blah, blah, blah, either way here it is for my enjoyment. :D

Name. Joyce Cinna
Age. 19
Gender. Female
Trainer Type. Contest, battle, artist.
Favorite Type. Ghost, electric, cute, quirky pokemon.
Aspirations. Become a gym leader and contester like Wallace of Hoenn. Catch and train all her favourite Pokemon. Meet and/or befriend Ho-Oh, Mew, Suicune and Shaymin.
Personality. Joyce is a very flashy and stylish person. She always aims to be visually appealing, whether it be in her clothing, or in her colour coordinated Pokémon teams. With this, she may also be described as being sensitive to art, beauty, or cuteness. Generally she tends to be friendly, social, patient, cutesy and courteous; making her a pleasant person to people she likes. There are many downsides, however; also tends to be paranoid, nervous, emotional, impulsive, opinionated and nonconforming to others ideas if she thought of one first.
Description. Pasty white skin, light pink blushing cheeks and nose. Her face is heart-shaped with huge blue eyes with long eyelashes. Hair is an ash blond, bangs straight-cut just along the bottom edge of her eyebrows, with two chin-length, pointed strips of hair on each side of her face, and the back is fluffy short- mostly straight. Pear-shaped body- not thin, not fat - wide hips, and squishy huggable. Small to medium breasts. 5'3", 135 pounds. The normal outfit for her is an eleven foot long dark grey-pink and black striped scarf that covers her neck completely, with a Pikachu Lolita headband, and a peach and white pinstripe Lolita dress. The top half is sleeveless, button up, form fitting, and has off-white lace on either side of the buttons and on every rim of it. She wears a tie under the collar, as well: it is grey and has a poke ball patch stitched to the mid-lower portion of it. Her skirt has three layers: the top layer is the same colour as the dress (peach and white pinstripe), that splits out like flower petals from the shirt, huge ribbons where the parts of the skirt splits, and ruffles along the edges. The layers underneath are petticoat-like, and lighter in colour with no pinstripes. She wears light pinkgrey and black tights and black meowth mary-janes with this. Her backpack is always a large flaaffy doll backpack with three poke balls on each strap so they are accessible to her at any time. Also wears glasses.
History. Joyce grew up in the old, traditional and spiritual town of Ecruteak in the Johto region. Her mother was never really into Pokémon, and her father was a busy man, always at work in the Goldenrod City Radio Tower. However, she and her younger brother often went on adventures, taking them far away from their home - to the fields west of Ecruteak, North to the Brass and Tin towers, East to the mountains, South to the National Park and Goldenrod City, often re-enacting tales of the Legendary Pokémon, and famous Pokémon Masters of the Johto region. When she reached age ten, however, she lost interest in spending time with her brother, and they became rivals. Friendly rivals, but rivals nonetheless. Joyce had always been passionate about Pokémon, and their beauty, thanks to a pet Ninetales named Hestia (who disappeared without a trace...whole nother story). She often got dangerously close to wild Pokemon and drew them, almost obsessively, filling hundreds of sketchbooks in just a year. She also liked to visit the little-known daycare to the west of Ecruteak, and sketch the Pokemon there with their happy trainers. She eventually began to work there, and in return for her hard work, the old couple gave her an egg which contained a mareep. Joyce babied this mareep to the point of it never being able to leave her side- they were attached at the hip, two peas in a pod, always together, always there for each other. Sophie the mareep inspired Joyce to delve deeper into the world of Pokemon. She spent around a year training and testing limits, and capturing new Pokemon, though she never used the others as much. The day mareep evolved, Joyce spontaneously decided she and flaaffy would go on a great adventure. So, the next chance she got (age fourteen), she obtained a Pokedex, and began to travel with Sophie. Since then, she's traveled across Johto, Sinnoh and Kanto with her friend Estelle, collecting badges, and slowly falling in love with the artistic battling styles and contest atmosphere of Super Contests.
Species: Flaaffy
Name: Sophie
Gender: Female
Level est.: 58
Ball: A light-blue poke ball. Has the appearance of crystal like the orb on Flaaffy’s tail.
Nature: Docile (-)
Characteristic: Highly curious (SP attack)
Ability: Static
Contest: Cute, beautiful
Held item: Bright powder (covers body)
Attacks: Power gem – Rock, Special, 70, 100%, Beauty ***
Discharge – Electric, Special, 80, 100%, Cool **
Charge – Electric, Special, doubles electric attacks, Smart, earn double score next turn
Cotton Spore – Grass, Special, lowers accuracy, 85%, Beauty **, first next turn
Physical: Her colours are somewhat more powdery than normal. Pale pink, pale blue. Eyes are also blue.
History: Received as a mystery egg from the old couple’s farm Joyce worked for. Babied and pampered, her very first Pokémon. Lvl 1.
Species: Pikachu
Name: Olive
Gender: Female
Level est.: 47
Ball: A basic poke ball
Nature: Hasty (Speed)
Characteristic: Capable of taking hits (Defense)
Ability: Static
Contest: Cool
Held item: Shell Bell (in a bow near the end of her tail)
Attacks: Volt Tackle – Electric, Physical, 120, 100%, Cool **, +3 if max voltage
Surf – Water, Special, 95, 100%, Beauty **, +2 if first
Double Team – Normal, Special, Cool **, perform first next turn
Thunderbolt – Electric, Special, 95, 100%, Cool **, +2 if first
Physical: The tips of her ears are a tad ragged looking. Blue eyes.
History: Received in Ecruteak during rolling blackouts. She seemed to be the cause. Lvl 6.
Species: Furret
Name: Cecil
Gender: Female
Level est.: 50
Ball: Park ball
Nature: Jolly (Speed)
Characteristic: Often scatters things (HP)
Ability: Run Away
Contest: Cute
Held item: Pink Scarf (tied as a ribbon around her neck)
Attacks: Defense Curl – Normal, Physical, Cute **, Prevents voltage increase
Rollout – Rock, Physical, 30, 90%, Tough **, Can use twice in a row
Shadow Claw – Ghost, Physical, Cute **, +2 if first
Attract – Normal, Special, Cute **, Prevents voltage from going down
Physical: She is a shiny furret.
History: Caught at the National Park during a catching contest. Lvl 11.
Species: Abra
Name: Claire
Gender: Female
Level est.: 46
Ball: Heal ball
Nature: Quiet (Special Attack)
Characteristic: Alert to sounds (Speed)
Ability: Inner Focus
Contest: Smart
Held item: Odd Incense (sleeps with it, effects last and she constantly smells of it)
Attacks: Grass Knot – Grass, Special, 20-120, 100%, Smart **, +2 if voltage goes up
Psychic– Psychic, Special, 90, 100%, Smart **, +2 if first
Protect – Normal, Special, Cute, raises score if voltage is low
Shadow Ball – Ghost, Special, 80, 100%, Smart **, +2 if first
Physical: Slightly lighter coloured than normal. Not as golden-yellow and more of a pale yellow.
History: Caught after weeks of searching. Sick in Ilex forest. Lvl 4.
Species: Weavile
Name: Pascale
Gender: Male
Level est.: 53
Ball: Love ball
Nature: Naughty (Attack)
Characteristic: Somewhat of a clown (Speed)
Ability: Pressure
Contest: Beauty
Held item: Tiara (White king’s rock)
Attacks: Ice Punch – Ice, Physical, 75, 100%, Beauty **, +2 if first
Night Slash – Dark, Physical, 70, 100%, Beauty ***, +2 if first
Swords Dance – Normal, Physical, Beauty *, Double next turn
X-Scissor – Bug, Physical, 80, 100%, Beauty
Physical: He is shiny.
History: Received in a trade. Lvl 20.
Species: Dragonite
Name: Aidan
Gender: Male
Level est.: 64
Ball: A cherish ball.
Nature: Gentle (Special Defense)
Characteristic: Likes to thrash about (Attack)
Ability: Inner Focus
Contest: Cool
Held item: Scarf (Muscle band stitched in)
Attacks: Outrage – Dragon, Physical, 120, 100%, Cool **, Can be used twice in a row
Aqua Tail– Water, Physical, 90, 90%, Cute ***
Fire Punch – Fire, 75, 100%, Physical, Beauty **, +2 if first
Aerial Ace– Electric, Physical, 60, Cool **, +2 if first
Physical: Larger than normal. Green eyes.
History: Given for outstanding performance in the Blackthorne City Gym. Lvl 27.
Other Pokémon (Caught OR raised before, during or after her adventures)
*This does not dictate whether she fully raised them or not OR used them right after they were caught or given to her. It’s a general rule she didn’t truly spend that much time raising her Pokémon aside from in-between-adventure, gyms and contests since she focused on her main team. Some were given to her already trained. She trained or raised them them alongside her main team, but were never used in major battles, and thus, most are a lot less experienced than her main Pokémon.
Ninetales (Foxy), Drifblim (Drifter), Persian (Baron), Bulbasaur (Addy), Banette (Devnett), Froslass (Sugar), Chatot (Melody), Teddiursa (Dear), Feraligatr (Chain Chomp), Typhlosion (Zephyr), Houndoom (Thanatos), Raichu (Chiyo), Pachirisu (Miffy), Luxray (Voltaire), Flygon (Mei), Kingdra (Miyuki), Honchkrow (Vyers), Venomoth (Willow), Nidorina (Fern), Cubone (Lynn), Aerodactyl (Ryota), Umbreon (Nyx), Jolteon (Naia), Flareon (Viola), Leafeon (Thistle), Espeon (Ruri), Vaporeon (Nina), Glaceon (Mana), Charizard (Dane), Arcanine (Crow), Noctowl (Prinny), Pidgeot (Vincent), Gengar (Devi), Carnivine (Trap), Wartortle (Di), Quagsire (Osaka), Piplup (Pippy), Swampert (Zeke), Slowpoke (Pinky), Drowzee (Zi), Buneary (Bani), Clefairy (Rose), Roselia (Fjorleaf), Altaria (Ribbon), Cacturne (Harley), Mightyena (Pretend), Illumise (Snickerdoodle), Spinarak (Spook), Sandshrew (Duke), Lucario (Milfred), Croagunk (Salad)