On elections, 1


Quick note...
I've been researching and looking through videos and sound bits and speeches dealing with the elections coming up.

Today I'm looking up "Anti-McCain", and "Anti-Obama" videos on youtube.

What I noticed was that... The majority of Anti-McCain videos are from Obama's and other celebrities campaign for his election (political ads, things from the news and people commenting on "TELL ME THE DIFFRENCE BETWEEN BUSH AND MCCAIN!")...

Whereas Anti-Obama's videos are filled with blunders, lies he's made, anti-american, and racist jokes and slurrs he's made. Again, not one McCain video has any of that. The only anti-McCain video I've seen that has actually impacted me at all was the one about his birth control thoughts, but, birth control compared to lies and slander? ho hum.


Two ads in one AND an Obama supporter, I guess this might count as three, but its the only somewhat convincing video I could find...
Wow...so...Obama supporters can only work off of fear?
Does that woman think that McCain would be in office for 17 years, when her baby will actually be able to be drafted? Does she think that there will be no other wars or drafts? Ho hum... They just tell us what people want to hear and feed off of our 'primal fear'.

That's the only big thing I could find...gimme some more if you find any good convincing stuff.


Overview ... The ending of this video is unimportant, but the beginning really hits on how often he is caught in a mess of stuttering, lying and not knowing what he's saying...


Does he have enough experience?

My Muslim...no, my Christian faith. D:

I dunno. You're told not to trust everything you see on the internet, but you shouldn't be believing everything you see on TV or hear on the radio or read in magazines or newspapers, either, because if you're not careful you won't get the whole story, and that's what a lot of people are doing... So... I'm taking it in stride, trying to find stuff on both sides.

Check in again for more.


I also found an interesting comment on a forum today.

Ladydye said,

"They would rather you vote on emotion. It's much easier for any politician to sell you his/her bag of tricks if you are only responding to emotion. And once the carnival is over and you realize you have been sold a bag of empty promises - who is gonna be there then to pick up the pieces? Politicians are all the same. On both sides. And we, the silly Americans, have allowed them to be this way. We have no accountability for these people once they are in office. No emphasis on actual solutions. Hell, we can't even get out congress to show up and vote half of the time.

i refuse to say who i am voting for, because it really is my own decision. I don't feel the need to jump on bandwagons or hurl insults. but i do feel that the current TMZ approach to picking our future leaders is going to get us just what we ask for - a whole lot of talk with no substance behind it.

enuff said. Back to the real issues - which one DOES Paris Hilton really like the most?"

Goodbye, world.


Okay, I'd like to start off by saying that I'm horribly afraid of doomsday and death. It's one of my few true fears. I've tried to get over it but it just is something I can't. So...I'd like to talk about the LHC.

The LHC is a MASSIVE 17 mile long atom smasher created by European scientists, from what I understand. People have been afraid that it will create black holes, strangelets, and other crazy earth-destroying icky things. Now...I usually wouldn't be afraid of it. While I like to look into philosophical doomsdays, like, people predicting doomsday...Like Y2K, or 2012, and like to give theories of my own. But this is different. This right here is particularly scary, mostly because this is MAN MADE. This is CONTROLLED by man. It's not just a theory or a philosophy, it's a scientific fact that this has the potential to create a black hole: maybe the chance of 1 in 50 million, but the potential...is...FRIGHTENING. It's also quite scary because CERN even SAYS it has the potential to create one, but they don't consider it a risk?

They're risking the world to figure out how the world came into being?

I don't really want to go super in depth... But that's about it. It's scary, and we may all die, or we may find something out that could help mankind with telecommunications, medicine and energy, in a sense, all the important things in our life. Hopefully, it's the latter...So good luck.

I know I'm scared out of my mind. I feel stupid saying that, but I am.
Where we live, here on the west coast of the United States, it is apparently going off around noon our time, according to my friend Brenny...but has already gone off according to my friend Faith. So... I don't know. We'll know by this time tomorrow, at least... If we live, I'll write again tomorrow...but for now...

Goodbye, world, sleep as easy as you can
and have fun being scared for your lives!
I love you, I love you I love you I love you!

And I thought I was doing a good job.


This is spontaneous and I don't want to post it, but, whatever. suck it up. I feel really not so good right now. I hate being a teenager and I hate being in highschool. grah. I don't want to deal with this stuff anymore...But friend and loneliness problems happen to everybody...
I try really hard to, I don't know, impress? Is impress the right word? I dunno. I try hard to impress my friends I guess. I do end up getting into what they like, and I start taking in the bits I really love about them and adapting it to myself... It's weird, hard to explain, but what I mean is that I put a lot of effort into getting along with, finding stuff to talk about with and all that kinda shit with them... And I constantly miss them. I always want to spend time with them. But I guess that's not true the other way around for a few. Like Alex. I try to invest a lot of time in him. I try to think of things to do, or talk about, and I do whatever he asks me to. I put up with him being mean to me, and whatever else he can throw at me. Not that he's awful. I just feel kinda attention-whorish because of how he reacts to me. I mean hell, I even answered texts way early in the morning asking for me to look up stuff about Pokemon EVs, yeah? But I always feel so lame when I talk to him, like he doesn't really care. Which is probably true. I don't know...it's nice to get a "thankyou" or know that you're appreciated.
Then even close people like Atti and Rhiannon and Kelsey. While I'm not having any sort of like, fight or major problem with any of them, I feel sooooo... not there. Not anywhere near them. Rhiannon goes to a different school so she's okay, its not her fault...I feel like, in 2nd place for Kelsey but that's how it always is... And then I feel extremely awkward with Atti. I thought calling him would make me feel better about all this 'cause he usually always does...'cause he's just...great... but it made me feel really weird, and when I got on his blog I just got all bummed and my heart sank down to where the glowing fishes live 'cause of his hating people post. Ugh... Then ...I just don't feel good...I feel so lonely. So so so lonely, stressed, inadequate, tired... Maybe I need to just. Become single. And stop caring about whether I talk to people or not... That's how I always used to be. So maybe I need to just...calm down...and go into a complete hault and revert back to my roooots... done, done, done with it all. I need sleep. horribly.

down with your face, boyy.

Muse told me:

People change I guess D: we shouldnt stress out so much about it. I mean, I think that you and I are the type of people who like everything thing to be A-OK all the time with our friends, and when it isnt it really gets to us. You invest alot of time and emotions into your friends, and thats not a bad thing at all. In fact, I'd say thats you being the best friend you can possibly be. But when its not returned, or when people are going through shit and theres nothing you can do about it, it hits hard.

And she really did hit home with it. I am obsessive about my friends. Obsessive, possessive... overly loving. So...sigh. I guess I really do need to just...back off and let them come to me if they truly love me... fuck.
I love you Muse.
you're my best friend.

Okay, so.


From now on I have two blogs. This one's for just talk, either about school or...whatever. Personal stuff, including my making dolls and occasionally, drawings. The other (pikapika!love!) is for videos, other peoples art, games, and other random cool things I find on the internet. Kay? Kay.

:] Enjoy.