Goodbye, world.


Okay, I'd like to start off by saying that I'm horribly afraid of doomsday and death. It's one of my few true fears. I've tried to get over it but it just is something I can't. So...I'd like to talk about the LHC.

The LHC is a MASSIVE 17 mile long atom smasher created by European scientists, from what I understand. People have been afraid that it will create black holes, strangelets, and other crazy earth-destroying icky things. Now...I usually wouldn't be afraid of it. While I like to look into philosophical doomsdays, like, people predicting doomsday...Like Y2K, or 2012, and like to give theories of my own. But this is different. This right here is particularly scary, mostly because this is MAN MADE. This is CONTROLLED by man. It's not just a theory or a philosophy, it's a scientific fact that this has the potential to create a black hole: maybe the chance of 1 in 50 million, but the It's also quite scary because CERN even SAYS it has the potential to create one, but they don't consider it a risk?

They're risking the world to figure out how the world came into being?

I don't really want to go super in depth... But that's about it. It's scary, and we may all die, or we may find something out that could help mankind with telecommunications, medicine and energy, in a sense, all the important things in our life. Hopefully, it's the latter...So good luck.

I know I'm scared out of my mind. I feel stupid saying that, but I am.
Where we live, here on the west coast of the United States, it is apparently going off around noon our time, according to my friend Brenny...but has already gone off according to my friend Faith. So... I don't know. We'll know by this time tomorrow, at least... If we live, I'll write again tomorrow...but for now...

Goodbye, world, sleep as easy as you can
and have fun being scared for your lives!
I love you, I love you I love you I love you!