How exciting!


Another weekend to ponder my existence.
It really is exciting, as depressed as I sound about it! What will I do?
Will I draw? Will I clean my room? Will I waste time, or sew, or...?!
All I really know is... I'm getting a new pikachu doll! Excitement.
However, I feel kindof like...jerkish. And I really kinda miss Atti.
I wish this weekend were not easter weekend so we could have done something together.
But of course...
There are other times. I hope it works out soon.

I also drew a picture for Coco. I hope she looks at it.

Squeak. That's all I had to say, really.
I wish I had more... But I'm a tad too disappointed to think of anything.
And a tad tired.
Maybe I shouldn't have blogged at all.
Ohwellll :3
