40 Random Facts about ME.


  1. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE drinks that resemble blood. Can be pomegranate, cranberry, anything-- if it looks like blood, I'll drink it. It's not like I even think about it, I just am drawn to it.
  2. Same with food. If I can squish it and make it look like blood I'll be obsessive. This means I love love love love overly ripe dark cherries.
  3. I'm a lot less perverted and a lot more level headed than a lot of you seem to think.
  4. I actually don't like anime or manga that much, just a select few.
  5. I also hate messes- when it comes to anything. I'm very tolerant of them, though.
  6. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but not exceedingly so.
  7. I love skittles and starbursts (only when roasted like a marshmallow for starbursts though) and lollipops and gummy bears, but otherwise I pretty much only like chocolate candy.
  8. I will forever wish to be a Pokemon Master when I grow up.
  9. I love pictures of cute animals, I can't help it.
  10. I like to take charge of projects and make other people work within the group. I don't seem like a leader type, but I love doing it and am pretty good at doing it, too.
  11. I'm seriously afraid of being alone when I'm outside no matter where I am.
  12. I'm more boyish than I probably let on. Yet, at the same time, I'm probably more girlish, too. I'm weird like that.
  13. Blue raspberry is my favourite hard candy flavour for more than one reason.
  14. I laugh at death even if I'm afraid of it. Especially when it's a puppy being tossed into a huge rocky pit, or a dead cat on the side of the road with a sign next to it saying, "FREE CAT".
  15. I'm in love with Japanese/Korean/Chinese people. Female or male. I love them all.
  16. I think Swedish+Japanese= The single most beautiful mix of races.
  17. I believe I can only draw girly/androgynous boys because I can only draw things I find beautiful, and most men are not beautiful in my opinion.
  18. Drag queens and similar things are my obsession, but everybody knows that already. I just wanted to put it on here.
  19. I've always wanted to make people think I'm a boy crossdressing as a girl.
  20. I've had a piece of paper with my blood blotted all over it in my wallet since the 8th grade.
  21. I'm probably over-opinionated.
  22. I secretly love fake eyelashes.
  23. I want to marry Amanda Palmer.
  24. People have said I look half Japanese and like Mana but I don't agree. (Even if I think I might might might make a decent Mana cosplay)
  25. I tend to get very emotionally attatched to strange things.
  26. I can't stand people who think animals are inferior to humans or humans are superior to animals. I don't think that's right.
  27. I am very physical. I love cuddling with close friends. If I cuddle with you, I like and probably trust you a lot. If I don't, its either because you're not comfortable with it, or I don't like you that much.
  28. I love my parents and don't understand it when others don't love theirs.
  29. I don't like most men's appearances in general- so if you're a boy and I think you're highly attractive, feel good about yourself. I'm very very very picky.
  30. I'm very obsessive over my friends and their well-being. I'll do anything for them, especially if they'd do anything for me, but that's never a requirement.
  31. I don't like recieving gifts, but I love getting drawings.
  32. I am constantly paranoid that I will offend somebody.
  33. I become increasingly scared when people don't answer my emails/private messages/etcetera, even though I know I send a lot of them and rarely say anything worth responding to.
  34. I say sorry waaay too much.
  35. I'm extremely afraid of men I don't know.
  36. I say "mew". I can't describe why or when I do it- though I do have a tendency to do it when I'm around people I have a crush on, or are more nervous around, or have nothing else to say. It's almost like me saying "like".
  37. As much as I whine about my weight or appearance, I honestly think I'm really pretty, and I'm very happy with my weight.
  38. I tend to like clothes and items that'd look good on a 10 year old girl. Note my panda pack and my love for lolita dresses. Pedobait = me.
  39. I actually like colours despite wearing white, grey and black all the time.
  40. I don't really like people that much and it takes a very long time for me to figure out somebody enough to trust them.