The other things I spend my time on


I'm really supposed to be writing a poem about Amy Tan's books because I've been a total asshole and haven't written them yet even though they're due tomorrow-- buuuut....I'm too spacey and smiley to even care. How horrible of me... I'll write it, I swear. I'll just do so when I lay down. Maybe I'll call Atticus really fast, first... See, this is what I do regularly. I procrastinate. And procrastinate. And procrastinate...until I can't handle it and I lose sleep. I don't mind, really, as long as I have fun doing it, but whatever. I don't approve of old photos of me being in your photobucket, you know. I'm just thinking so much about everything and nothing and about friends and family and sooo much. I just...need to have my spring break. Now. Now now now. ... Now. Please? Brain, fall unconsious and let me skip this week! Too much homework, not enough time, this week's gonna suck... But... It's worth it if I get to see Atticus next week. Or maybe Kelsey. Or. Or. Meeeeow! I'm excited! Can't you tell? I don't know, but I can hear the buzz of my cellphone. It's not ringing, it's buzzing because it's charging and that noise is forever going to be in my head. eww. And I also really hope my dress comes soon. :<

Man. Like... Isn't it weird how certain smells can bring you back to things you never remembered before? Today I was walking home from the bus stop, and I smelled...I don't even know- it smelled KINDOF like a barbeque, but really faint, and with just a little bit of... Outside. And car. I don't know, it was a pleasant smell but a weird smell, and I immediately got this image in my head from when I was younger. It was a picnic, I remember it clearly, I remember the table with the hotdogs on it and the chips and I remember the lake with the mean geese and the big climby sailboat. But, I don't know if it actually happened-- did it? If it did, it was before our house burnt down so I don't really remember... Such a weird feeling.

Then the dream I had last night.
Good god.
Not even getting into that.