Social taboos and other things like that. Yeah.


Okay. Well. These are the general, huge topics most people decide what's right or wrong, without ACTUALLY thinking about it. I've taken the liberty of ACTUALLY thinking about it, and with my set of skewed morales, I'll talk about them.

1. Eating meat. I'm neither pro, or con.
I don't like people who become vegetarians because "it's wrong to eat meat". Oh yeah? Then why the hell do we have canine teeth, Einstein? Is it wrong, really? Do Lions eat tofu when we're not looking? No. They don't. Don't be a smart ass. And it's TOTALLY IRONIC that they yell at people like me for eating meat at all, because it's wrong. The animal died to be on your plate. Okay, well, what do you eat? You eat nuts, and veggies, and wheat/grain, and tofu. You know how many field animals die a year in heavy machinery during the harvest of those things? Billions. Is that any better? And what, you aren't going to change your ways, even if you do know it because you're too damn lazy to grow your own food? Good job saving the world, hypocrite. Most vegetarians do it for the image anyway, in my opinion. I don't think half of them know what it is about.
I'm okay with it if they did their research and deemed it unhealthy, or abusive, or anything like that, because that's what I do. I do my research, and I don't eat meat from certain places, and certain types of meat. I eat fish, chicken, cow, turkey, and I'd eat a duck if I had the chance. I will NOT eat chicken from Foster Farms, or KFC, I do NOT eat fast food for the most part. I buy my meat from local farmers. Not everybody gets the chance to do this, but if you really want to help animals out, I suggest NOT EATING FOSTER FARMS OR KFC, IT IS CHEAP FOR A REASON (you can't tell me the abuse tastes good). I also don't eat deer, sheep, pigs, or any animal aside from the five types I listed above. I think it's really nasty.
2. Hunting. I'm mostly against this. It's okay ONLY if you actually plan to use the animal for something other than a trophy, and you use at least half of the animal. Please. I know it's hard, but that's the only way I see it as being even somewhat humane. Otherwise, all you're doing is killing a bunch of mostly defenseless forest animals who probably would never have seen humans, harmed humans, or anything their whole lives. They didn't do anything to deserve being shot in the head, measured, left for dead, used as a trophy or otherwise. It's probably the most disgusting, least respectable sport I can think of. Oh, that's so cool, you shot a small rabbit in the head, good job, I think you should be elected as president for your amazing victory over a rabbit. Goddamnit. It's making me sick thinking about it.
3. Drugs and smoking. I'm against big drugs like meth. Well, actually, the only drug I'm okay with is marijuana. Maybe ecstasy, but that's just because I really like that word. Quite frankly, if someone wants to ruin their lives, let them. They're stupid, so they'll die early, and have less of a chance of procreating because of their low sperm count. I think marijuana should be legalized because it'll bring a lot of money into our economy. For one, we wouldn't need to do as many drug busts and uphold as many stupid, useless, money wasting laws, and then if we brought it in you'd be able to sell it like tobacco: SUPER HIGH taxes. Which means, MONEY. But since that won't happen, they should get rid of smoking and drinking too. I think that's another really lame thing about the whole deal: no marijuana, but you can go ahead and give yourself lung cancer or shrink your brain with your alcoholism. Gosh. All or none, that's what I say. All except meth I mean.
4. The big one: abortion. This one's a hard one to talk about. Don't read it if you don't like people who are pro choice. I think it should DEFINITELY be legalized. Yes. It's sad. Horribly sad. But, not as sad as a child who grows up lonely, or wondering if their parents really loved them. Not a child born by a victim of rape or stupidity, forced to be kept as "punishment": "I'm mommy's punishment", wow, good job. Not as sad as a child who is retarded, or horribly deformed and needs surgery all his life. Is that really fair? Is that really a life worth living? Sure the child could become something great. The child could also become a serial killer. I don't think that should be a factor in anything, especially if the child is born to an unwed teenage trailer trash mother.
Why should men be making these rules? Also, I don't think men should have ANY say in abortions. Aside from the fathers, maybe, but I don't think men should be making rules against it. They're not the ones with little time bombs in their uterus. Oh wait, they don't even have a uterus. I bet if we made some law against masturbation because every sperm is sacred, they'd freak the fuck out. Also, religion should NOT be a part of it.
I think, however, it should be limited to the following criteria:
*A child who would be born extremely deformed or anything else that'll cause it to be extremely uncomfortable in life.
*It'll cause harm to the mother.
*The mother is a teenager or other person who just can't go through with it emotionally or because of money. (Because you know, actually birthing the baby is not free, sure you can give it up for adoption, but look at all the kids who end up depressed because of adoption, and the hospital bills...)
*Rape victims, obviously.
OBVIOUSLY it should not be allowed more than like, once a year. It should NOT be used as a birth control method, it takes a toll on the mother's body, and its really quite disgusting to use it as a birth control method. Even I think that. I'm not all cruel.
(Did you know that you're considered a genetic mutation if you start out as trailer trash and end up successful? Because its actually in your genes, not how you're raised or your experiences or anything like that, that determines how you'll be when you grow up? So a person who starts out as a dog, will more than likely, stay a dog.)
5. Teenage sex. I'm a little on the fence with this one so it may sound shaky, and a little biased because of my weird romantic history (ask and I'll tell, but I'm not going to talk about it here). People like me become really afraid of sex because of how adults say: "IF YOU HAVE SEX ONCE YOU'LL GET AIDS/GET PREGNANT", everybody looks down on people who have aids or any other sexual disease, even though there are people who weren't sexually active who have those diseases too. Sure, sleeping around with 100 people before the age 18 is freaking DISGUSTING and you'll PROBABLY get aids and other diseases from that, but... Why scare kids into never having sex, like they're doing? It's right if you're careful about it.
The problem is that most kids ARE NOT careful about it. I realize that. Hell, I'm not afraid to admit I'm not a virgin though, and most of my best friends aren't either. I'm not saying that's good or bad. I always was for waiting until marriage, but if the time's it. If you've been with them, and are careful and are able to trust them, do it. Honest. I guess my biggest thing is the fact that adults are putting sooo much pressure on kids, like sex is horrible and is going to ruin your life. It's not the horrible thing it's made out to be. Honest. If you're ready, go for it. If you're not, wait.

I'd cover homosexuality but I've done that around a hundred times already. So there you go. My rants for you.