Hair Dye and Massive Hickeys


Yes, so I got my hair dyed today. It was a birthday present from my bestest friend Staci (since she's a hair stylist, and a great one at that).
I was freaking out for weeks, I had no idea what I was gonna do, and a couple of my friends always commented on how pretty my hair was already. So I was quite worried that I would not like it, or they would not like it, or it would turn neon orange, or some obscure crazy horrible not-good very bad thing that would make me ultimately unhappy. But, you know, right before I did it I remembered that...hell. It's free, and it'll always grow out.
Soooo I went through with it, and I'm glad. It was quite the experience.
I woke up at 8:00 in the morning. Nervous. I got up, ate chocolate, did some yoga, put a hat on and printed out some photos of Amanda Palmer when she had brighter reddish-brown hair. I call it "mahogany" because I love trees and wood-colours. Still nervous. I got a little more excited, because I saw Amanda Palmer in all her amazing glory, and found some new photo galleries in the process. Yay, obsessive. So we left at 10:00, got there 5 minutes late. We felt really bad since it was for free, and we got there late...It wasn't our fault! Traffic. UNEXPECTED.
I thought it was really cool, because they mix three different colours to get the one you want. I don't remember the exact numbers for it, but one was a darker...almost chocolatey brown, one was a burgundy red, and the other was a more natural shade of light red. Staci mixed them together, and the dye itself was BRIGHT FIRE ENGINE RED. Scary. D:< To think I wanted that colour for my hair at one point...Scary...scary... So she started applying it to my poor, unexpecting scalp. It was freezing, and made my head feel like it was covered in play-doh, or that green goo Nickelodeon uses so often in their live shows..whatever. Also, it smelled like ammonia (you know, like cat pee?) with cherries and hair products. Whaat? That can't be healthy for my head... So I sat there for a while. I looked around, I sang, and watched my mom get her hair trimmed. Eventually, I got the dye washed out, and for the first time ever...I sat in one of those salon chairs with the big bubble that comes down and dries your hair for you. IT WAS SO COOL~ I had always wanted to, and now I have. Accomplished. But I guess I moved around too much when we were waiting for the dye to settle in, because a glob of hair and dye got stuck to my neck...We got most of the dye off my neck, but now I look like I have a huge, ugly hickey (I prefer to call them "love bites") on my neck. Gwaa. __ So here I am, with mahogany or cherry-wood coloured hair. It's gorgeous. I'd post photos, but I don't want Kelsey or Atticus seeing before they come over for my birthday party on Sunday.
Ooh...How about this...


Ha. Not quite...
You can leave now.

Unless you wanna hear what else I did.
Which I bet you do.
Actually, it's not much, so read this:

She's an apple tree. I'm so excited to plant her.
Her name is PikaPika, or Pipi for short (not pronounced "Peepee" like it should, but "Pippy")
You'll see. I'll take photos tomorrow along with my gorgeous hair. And post them on Sunday when people have already seen my amazingness.

Okay. now you can leave. :]