
No, not really. I realized that is definitely not true because when I said that, people fell on the ground laughing. How lame. Anyway...
Today was neutral. Neutral neutral...Ahh. Aerobics (my PE class...yes, sad, isn't it? aerobics kicked my ass last week, I'm not afraid to admit it) wasn't so bad today. We actually did...well, aerobics. It was kindof like dancing, except...not.
There's this pretty Japanese girl I've admired for some time, I think her name is Becky. I'm not sure. Either way- she's absolutely gorgeous. I get almost intimidated and really shy when I'm around her, its really strange! She has my aerobics class, so I can't really avoid her anymore. When we did our first little aerobics routines today, she did it next to me; and it was really funny. I rather assumed we were probably as different as different can get, seeing as she's all scene and stuff, but she has the same exact mannerisms as me. Or, well...She holds her hands in the same positions, makes the same facial expressions. It was really weird to find this out, I don't really know why. I just assumed I was the only person that held my arms in that position at rest. (It's too hard to explain, or else I'd explain it.). Yes, I do know I'm blabbing on about things that aren't important, it was just something that struck me. And I bet she'd freak out if she read this. Ha.
I also found out my Panther Pal was supposed to meet us today for lunch up at the highschool. I was mortified. I'm really bad at talking to little kids--I don't even get why I signed up to be pals with a little kid... I thought he'd show up and I wouldn't be there- but thank god! His bus was late, so I did catch him on time. He's a cute little half japanese, half philipino boy. He likes to play pokemon, so all we ever talk about is pokemon, ever. It's really rather cute...
But I took that opportunity to skip fourth period altogether and go to second lunch, and cling to my dear Kelsey. :) It was good times.
Ahh...No profound thoughts today... I still have a ton of homework. I really should get working on that-- it's not like it's that much. I have some research, and some notes to do for a test tomorrow...And that's it. Geesh. I gotta get off my butt and do it now.