Har de harr harr.


Haha. I made a mix-tape. Hah. Thanks Atti >^>~

Hell, I don't particularly have anything to say.
Today I had the busiest day EVER. -- CAN YOU SENSE THE SARCASM? I can, and it's really delicious.
I'm currently at 203/1000 Pokemon. Only 797 Pokemon to go...Sigh. I don't even know why I made it a goal to get mew, but, whatever. Time waster I guess.

This is what I'll be up to the next couple days:

Clean my room. It looks horrible, ugh...It'll take forever...

Make dolls with Rhiannon/plan

Have Dustin over? Something? Furret doll? Something.

Go with Rhiannon and her Family to the Softlife and Anne Bonny anniversary thing.

Ohohoho I'm such a busy bee.
Love it, love it, love it.
HEY Maybe Saturday I'll make a furret doll...mm, that sounds good.
No, not really...I'm actually boring. I'll probably be posting more doll photos soon seeing as I'll be making some more tomorrow and Saturday...
Who knows?

I'm off to chew on a fish. ;D