Not-so-new aspirations.


I am going to make birds.
Many little birds.
Birds for you, birds for you, and you and you and Coco and Rhiannon.
And me.
Lots of birds.
Starting now.

So darling!

I'm just messing around with the shape and size. They're not so good yet, but I figured out a good way to do the wings! I want to make the birds a little fatter and cuter looking next time. Less, uh, stitchy, maybe, too... But it was intentional this time, so stop looking at me like that. I like that look. ;_;

Excuse the horrible image quality. Taken at night with horrible indoor lighting, bleh! Nasty.

Awh well Rhiannon and I will figure it out.

Oh yeah and as if you didn't notice: NEW LAYOUT. This one's here to stay, its way too cute. I adore it. Though I didn't know what to do with the title. Ho hum...
I also wanted to bring back the playlist, but, projectplaylist is being a jackass and WILL NOT let me log into their site nor will they send me the 'lost password' email despite me asking for it ten times, and waiting for hours, and looking in both junk and normal email?! It's not really that big of a deal, but I wanted to look through...

I still want to make a shiny furret doll with that amazing hot pink fluffy fabric Kelsey and I found. Ahh, glory.


I'm also mew hunting. If anyone has pokemon DP and wants to come over and help me temporarily, please do. I only have 203 pokemon in there so far and I need 999.