

I bought a freakishly adorable composition notebook the other day. It's pink with white polkadots and a huge cherry in the bottom right corner with a delightful red binding. It is so pretty, but I always hate buying pretty notebooks because I always feel like I should have something really cool in them, otherwise I feel like I'm wasting the space inside of them. It could be a novel, it could be a sketchbook, it could be so many things and I think I'd end up wasting it if I didn't use it for something memorable like that. So I thought about it, and I decided it's going to be my brain. A bunch of lists and the like. I want to share what I have so far with you (even though I'd rather keep it for real-life conversation if it ever comes up, you know?). I'm going to be adding to all of these, probably, so they're not complete lists. [That and I have a list of really amazing names I've heard, but I don't want to post peoples names on the internet. That seems like an invasion of privacy to me. So I'll just share the coolest one because it's okay: Marmaduke Cadwalder. Coolest name ever, huh?]

If I had an Autobiography, it'd be titled:
Lilywhite Fragments
My Platonic Marriage
One of These
The Tophat Parade
Tomato Walnut Spencer Fish and the Post Punk Nazi Drag Clown

[^ This one would have a picture of giant icecream cone people eating children on it, probably. ^]

Names I Adore:
Atticus [before I knew Atti, I always loved this name]

"Amazing" Quotes and Other Silly Things People Say:

"I love prostitutes- I was one!" - Mrs. English

"Sexual abuse never tasted so good. Murder was better, though." -Mrs. English

"I'd love to work at an icecream parlor. Really. It's one of my dream jobs- along with cafe owner or fashion designer - but it involves scooping icecream. One of the many things I can't do." - Jordon

"Cuz its a beautiful thing." - Atti

"You're not the crotch-boss, Josh!" - Alex

"I stick 'em up my nose and have a glass of 7-up." - Josh

"They eat GARBAGE because that's all they can AFFORD!" - Kelsey

"Look! It's a DEER! D - E - R - R! Deer!" - Girl on my Bus

"It is a fetiche, very very much!" - Peggy [+Rhiannon and I on numerous occasions]

"Look, Brendon! Ponies!" - Amanda Palmer